The KBN Times Urdu Daily


Tension grips Vijaypur district

Tension has gripped the district with the addition of three more Covid-19 positive cases reported on Wednesday.

After the seven cases reported on April 12, the district has witnessed three more cases on Wednesday bringing the total number
of Covid-19 positive cases to ten. The two new cases are due to their primary contact with the first positive case of the woman aged 60 years, who is undergoing treatment at the district government hospital. Among the two fresh cases, one is a woman of 33 years and the other is a man of 26 years. Another 28-year-old woman got the infection after the contact with P228.

The husband of the first positive case was found positive after he passed away on the same day the woman was admitted to the hospital. Thus, out of a total of nine positive cases, one has succumbed to the deadly virus.

Deputy Commissioner Y S Patil addressing media persons informed that out of a total of 282 throat swab samples sent for testing, 155 have been negative.

He confirmed that the throat swab report of the 69-year-old person who died three days back has been positive. He said that in view of the virus exhibiting its presence in the district a close watch on 626 persons is kept. He said that information related to more than 300 persons is collected and their throat swab samples are sent for testing.

The infected old woman, who happens to be the first positive case reported in the district, has the history of getting admitted in five hospitals of the City and hence all doctors, nurses, the ‘D’ group workers of all the five hospitals numbering nearly 104 have been quarantined. He said that the woman, the first positive case, is stable and recovering and others are also responding to medical treatment.

In view of the positive cases and resultant death, all death cases are being investigated, he said adding that in rural areas the task of finding out
the causes of death is entrusted to respective local bodies.

Referring to the fear that has gripped the farming community in view of the Covid positive cases, he said that there is no reason for the farmers to get panicked and stop coming to Vijaypur as except in the containment areas no suspected cases
are found elsewhere in the City.

He informed that arrangement for the farmers to sell their vegetables and other products directly to the people are made at Shivagiri on the outskirts of the City. Makeshift markets have been also been set up near M B Patil Nagar on Solapur Road, near the satellite bus stand on Athani Road, near new Babaleshwar Road and on the playground of St Joseph School.


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