The KBN Times Urdu Daily


Ensure jobs for people in villages, Karjol tells officials

After the nationwide lockdown to contain the spread of Covid-19, the people in villages rendered jobless. Hence, such people should be provided employment under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) as the government has relaxed lockdown norms in some parts, said Deputy Chief Minister Govind M Karjol.

Speaking at the meeting of district-level officials organised to review the Covid-19 situation here on Thursday, he said, as the MGNREGS should be implemented effectively as the saving of the people dried up. Wage should be paid within a week after getting works done. Physical distancing should be ensured while working in other places. The people should be given work in their fields besides keeping a vigil on them, Karjol directed.

Reacting to it, Zilla Panchayat Chief Executive Officer P Raja said, several works have been given to the people under the MGNREGS. The government has directed us to solve drinking water problem in three drought-hit taluks of the district. Fund has been released to the Zilla Panchayat also for this purpose. A total of Rs 1.5 crore has been earmarked in the deputy commissioner’s account to mitigate the drinking water problem in the remaining four taluks. This fund will also be utilised, he explained.

Karjol directed the Gescom officials to supply uninterrupted electricity to the forest dwellers. They may find it difficult to stay home due to the sweltering heat. During the lockdown period, they will spend time at home watching television if electricity is provided. Uninterrupted power should be ensured in the City, he said.

As the State has surplus power as all industries have remained closed due to the lockdown, the single phase power can be given to rural areas, he said. He took Excise Department officials to task for their failure to control the sale of spurious liquor in the district.



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