The KBN Times Urdu Daily


513 complete home quarantine period But they will be self-reporting for another 14 days

The district administration has kept 513 under self-reporting. A separate category has been created for monitoring the home-quarantined people across the district, said the health bulletin issued by the district administration.

Deputy Commissioner B Sharat said, the self-reporting means those who have completed 14 days of home quarantine should inform the Health Department staff if they develop any health problems in the next 14 days (15th day to 28th day). A total of 452 persons were kept under the self reporting on Friday. But the number spiked to 513 on Saturday, he said. 

Samples of 46 persons out of 73 samples sent for testing tested negative for Covid-19. The number of positive cases stood at three and the samples of two persons have not been tested due to technical reasons and the results of 22 persons are awaited, the DC said.

Another solace for the people of the district is the reduction in the number of home-quarantined people. A total of 54 people who have completed 14 days home quarantine have been brought under the self-reporting category. Hence, the number of home quarantine has come down 

A total of 481 foreign returnees have been identified till Saturday. However, the number of persons admitted to isolation wards in ESIC hospital rose to 29.

As Deputy Commissioner B Sharat issued an order restricting the fuel supply to the public to arrest the further spread of Covid-19, most of the fuel stations remained closed from Saturday morning. The public who roamed across the City to fill the petrol or diesel returned home without petrol.

Fuel stations began business in the afternoon on Saturday and a mad rush was witnessed in front of them. The motorists were seen jostled each other to get petrol. Business establishments continued to remain shut in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic. The vehicular movement was thin on the roads.


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