The KBN Times Urdu Daily


Lockdown norms go for a toss People fail to maintain social distance; vehicles moving on roads

The district administration and the police seem to be failed in enforcing the strict lockdown to rein in the spread of Covid-19 in the district where the country’s first Covid-19 death was reported in the second week of March.

Despite the shutdown, the public and the vehicles are roaming on the roads in the City.

“The lockdown has been in force in the district before the nationwide lockdown was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. However, the local administration has failed to enforce lockdown. Not only the district administration but also the public are to be blamed for the situation prevailed in the City,” opined G C Patil, a resident of the City.  

In the wake a surge in the number of positive Covid-19 cases in the country, efforts of the local police to huddle the public into their houses have proved futile. The youths are moving around on motorbikes by violating the lockdown rules.

Though the police have been seizing the vehicles of those who are roaming without genuine work, some persons continued to loiter on the streets.

Except the barricades erected on the main roads in the City, the police are rarely seen keeping a strict vigil.

In order to prevent the vehicular movement, the district administration has also imposed restrictions on fuel to be filled for the vehicles of the general public. Not only motorbikes but also cars are also seen on roads in the past few days.

Except for the essential services like hospitals, medical stores, groceries and others, the business establishments have remained closed in the City.

Meanwhile, about 211 vehicles have been seized for violating the lockdown norms and 47 people have been taken into preventive custody on Tuesday.

At a review meeting chaired by Deputy Chief Minister Govind M Karjol held on Sunday, he directed the district administration to take out a route march to scare the public. The same has not been carried out so far.

Deputy Commissioner B Sharat said the public have not been heeding to the appeal to remain indoors although we explained them how the dreaded virus spread. Hence, as per deputy chief minister’s advise, the superintendent of police and the police commissioner will be asked to deploy KSRP battalions in the district to strictly implement the lockdown, he said.  

A police officer on the condition of anonymity said we can’t prevent the public from venturing out of their houses despite the best efforts being made by us. The people have not been heeding to our advice as they have failed to understand the gravity of the situation. We faced criticism from the general public when the cops started caning the loiters. We are in a difficult situation, he said.


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