The KBN Times Urdu Daily


Covid-19 positive cases jump to 11 in Bidar dist

A woman who had come in contact with the person who had returned from Nizamuddin religious congregation is tested positive for Covid-19 in the district on Saturday.

With this, the total number of positive cases in the district has increased to 11. 

The person who had returned from Delhi after attending the Tablighi Jamaat used to visit his brother’s house in Bidar as his mother was staying here. Now, the laboratory report has confirmed that the brother’s wife is also infected with Covid-19. The district administration has quarantined more than 70 people of 10 families who resided at Nayakaman and Maniyar Taleem in Old City area. They were shifted to the hostel on Janwada Road.

Another person, said to be the relative of a Covid-19 positive case at Maniyar Taleem, is reportedly died of severe diarrhoea. According to sources, he was a retired teacher and suffering from high diabetes too. The Health Department officials have been collecting further details of the incident.

The throat swab samples of three doctors and four nurses who had treated Covid-19 positive cases at BRIMS hospital were also sent to the laboratory in Kalaburagi. They all have tested negative for Covid-19, the sources informed. 

Out of 26 people who had attended the Nizamuddin religious congregation, 10 persons who tested positive for Covid-19 were being treated at the district hospital. The family members of these people have been home quarantined and health officials have been regularly monitoring their health condition.

Aaya tests positive

A 38-year-old Aaya working at Bahmani hospital where the 65-year-old Covid-19 victim was initially admitted here, tested positive for the deadly virus on Saturday. With this, the total number of positive cases in the district rose to 11.

Bahmani hospital has been sealed as the hospital authorities failed to alert the district administration about the admission of a patient with Covid-19 symptoms. Hospital staff including a doctor have been quarantined. Throat swab and blood samples of the Aaya was sent to the laboratory on Friday as she developed the Covid-19 symptoms.

The 65-year-old elderly man who died on Tuesday night was first treated at Star and Bahmani hospitals before being shifted to ESIC hospital.


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