The KBN Times Urdu Daily


The 14 day ban on media persons reporting on covid-19 cases

Bengaluru: As the deadly novel coronavirus (covid-19) is spreading rapidly at the global level, as well as in the state, the mediapersons have been busy trying to keep up and cover and report the cases.

Reportedly, some media persons have even gone close to the virus-infected people in order to report the cases. To put a stop to this, the state health department has decided to ban the media from reporting the covid-19 cases and also subjecting the mediapersons to testing and treatment for the deadly virus.

According to reports, the state health department has decided to ban the mediapersons from coverage for a period of 14 days by subjecting them to tests.

This decision by the health department has come in the wake of the mediapersons going to the house of 76-year-old Mohammad Siddique in Kalaburagi, whose death was recently confirmed to be caused by covid-19.

It can be recalled that confusion had erupted after the state health ministry had tweeted that Siddique’s death was not due to covid-19 but due to pneumonia. Just days after his death, the health report revealed that he was indeed infected by the deadly virus and died as a result.

Following this development, the mediapersons, who were very curious about Siddique’s death, reached out to his family members and interviewed them, inspite of the government’s repeated warnings not to meet covid-19 patients or their family and be very careful.

Reports suggest that Kalaburagi Deputy Commissioner Sharath B had urged the state health department to take a call on banning the mediapersons from covering and reporting on covid-19 cases for 14 days and also subjecting them to tests and treatment.

Meanwhile, Deputy Commissioner of Mysuru Abhiram Sankar too has requested the mediapersons to stay away from the patients, their families and close associates. He has informed that the government will take the responsibility of reporting the cases.


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