The KBN Times Urdu Daily


One more COVID-19 case in Kalaburagi

A fortnight after the last case, Kalaburagi reported one more case of COVID-19 on Tuesday. It is a 60-year-old woman (P99) and the contact of P9, the 63-year-doctor who treated India’s first COVID-19 casualty — P6 (the 76-year-old man who died on March 10 and later tested for the disease on March 12). The latest patient has been isolated at a government hospital in the city. With the new case, the total number of COVID-19 positive cases rose to four in the district, including the 45-year-old woman (P8) and a close contact of P6 who was discharged. Deputy Commissioner B. Sharat said that the second test of P8 conducted 14 days after she tested positive and the third test done 24 hours after the second test, came negative. She was discharged on Tuesday.


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